Picture it!!!!! The
dreams and aspirations you have set for yourself have come true, it here, its
now, and you have accomplished all that you ever have wanted.
For many of us, including myself, this has not yet
occurred. However, we should be pretty
darn close and ready to want and achieve more. When in graduate school
studying for my Master’s Degree, I had a professor who required the class to
participate in what I now know as a Visual Goal Setting. The task was simple- think of your goals:
personal and professional and cut out pictures from magazines that depicts the
goals. This would serve as our 5 year
I happily participated in the scavenger hunt, looking for
pictures that creatively illustrated my goals.
Pictures of travel sights, family, friends, pets, a diploma,
professional, and a scenic office view quickly filled my poster board. I was excited and eager to complete the
goals. The poster traveled to Houston,
TX with me when I relocated after graduate school. I would take a fond glance at it every now
and then.
"Shoot for the
moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land
among the stars.”
By the time 5 years had past I was well into my career and
to my amazement had accomplished nearly everything on my Poster! Subconsciously
I was going through my list and checking goals off as I went. As to the goal I had not completed during the
specified time frame, a doctoral degree- I am still working at that however, I
have completed additional post graduate work which has led to additional
certifications and licensures (short term goals) en route to the doctoral
degree and I remain on track towards this long-term goal.
So guess what?!!! I am creating another poster!!! This will be another 5 year Poster which I
plan to divide into three sections to address 1 year, 2 year, and 5 year goals.
Visualization is key……….what is the last food choice you
went out of your way to get, car you dream of, hairstyle you dare to get? Why do you think ads cost so much during the
Superbowl and we tune in to watch and then purchase? Why do you squirm when you see a bug on television
and feel as though something is crawling on you moments later? Why do we set serene screen savers on our
computers? Why? Because we want what we see- we are visually
stimulated! Its simple….Visualize and
you shall achieve. Put your goals in front
of you and you can see what you are running towards.
By adding a Visualization to your written goals………………….the
sky is the limit……FLY!!! I encourage you to take the time to illustrate your goals so that you may visualize your future and actualize your dreams!
Well Wishes……………Syreeta
Connect with me: www.MBHConcepts.com (Website)
@MBHConcepts (Twitter)
MBHConcepts@gmail.com (Email/ Google Plus)