Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Stepping out on Faith

Image result for optimistic quotes

Earlier this year I left my job in leadership to turn my part-time practice into a full-time practice.  I gave my notice amidst not feeling fulfilled and other things.  I count each opportunity as a blessing, don't get me wrong- but sometimes its best to let go.  I found out recently that the agency I worked for is closing a major service very soon.  The news came quickly leaving staff little to no time to prepare for their next step.  In addition, I hospital I worked for closed its doors after decades of serving the community.  A source that was there at the time informed my source (yes this is third hand information, but credible) that they arrived to work and the doors were locked.  Again, people without time to prepare but must survive.

It seems like there has been a pattern over the last 16 months of me leaving a place and what would have been my job and that of others being dramatically affected.  Some of you may be thinking- well what have you been doing?!! Is it you?!!! My answer- no, it was God.  In both situations there were many long-term factors that led to the finale.  I was in leadership but kept telling God I wanted to lead my own organization. I was operating my business part-time and sometimes not at all.  However, I found constant joy when in my own space.

Now I know that not everyone can be the business owner--otherwise who would do the day-to-day.  You need people to work at the law office, walmart, car dealerships, schools, agencies,  ect.  That's not the point. The point is that if you want something, ask God for it and then when he tells you to go for it- don't be afraid to do just that.  Many times we ask but we don't want to or are afraid of doing the work or taking the necessary steps to accomplish it.  The same thing holds true if you don't believe in the miraculous power of God.

Want it, envision it, do it, attain it, maintain it, push it forward, repeat.  You will get nowhere just wanting something and standing still in complacency or fear.  Those are two of the biggest dream snatchers!!!

I am just amazed at where I could have been and where I am today had I not moved on from either situation. I am continuing to build my brand, business, network, and rebuild my bank account (dreams take money to become real)...but I have never been happier in my career.  I am being a helper to mankind on my own terms.  This year, I decided to follow my first mind and I have not been let down yet (this will be a later post as there are so many intricacies in the process of doing so).  I am using this motto (which I also believe is faith driven) to make decisions in my life.

I pray for those that the doors are closing on because the caring individuals who serve and the clients need more and not less resources.  I believe that a door closing simply turns you in the direction you need to go. As for me, I am able to see that I made steps in the right direction and it encourages me to work harder and remain true to my purpose.

Be well, be inspired, find your momentum-


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Girls, Girls, Girls

Over the past weekend I had the privileged of being a class facilitator at an event designed to motivate, encourage, and educate young girls.  The Non Profit Organization Pretty Girlz Rock founded and run by Shay Hopper has a Pretty Girlz Rock Retreat every year before school starts.  Last year I was away at my cousin's wedding so I wasn't able to participate, but I so wanted to be involved this year.

I remember being a part of various mentoring programs growing up that were geared towards college prep, church, and encouragement and it had a great impact on my self esteem and self- confidence.  There can never be too many programs of this kind.  The 3rd Annual Pretty Girlz Rock Retreat was AMAZING. This year's theme was "Girlz of Grace".  The theme was both a nod to biblical reference and poise.  There were various table discussion covering topics such as what to post on social media, goal setting with vision boards, being successful, conflict resolution, relationships/ friendships, self-esteem, abstinence and many more that occurred over the two day retreat.  The young ladies were received by a Red Carpet entrance complete with a photographer to capture their glamour in front of the Step and Repeat.  In addition there was motivation, spiritual nourishment, swimming, dancing, exercise, caricatures, and a talent show- just to name a few.  Small groups were organized and each group had their own mentor to guide them throughout the retreat.  There were approximately 60 girls in attendance. This blessed my soul!!!!

I taught on the topic of female hygiene in a discussion entitled "So Fresh and So Clean".  The girls were very open and willing to discuss the intricacies of what it means to be a girl and how we take care of our hygiene including body and facial care.  I was thrilled to provide them with age appropriate insights, dispell myths, and encourage them to be who they are...a Pretty Girl who Rocks!

This had me thinking about this season as our girls (and boys) return to school.  The media has inundated us with so many images of what beauty is that it is easy to get consumed by those images.  I was proud to see the display of girls ranging in ages 11-18 that had their own swag.  They presented themselves in a variety of ways- clothing choices, some with makeup, some without, some with natural untreated hair, some with.  I thought how great to see such self expression.  I sought to reaffirm their beauty and potential to each and every one of them as did the Host- Mrs. Hopper and the rest of the wonderful staff of volunteers.

It is so important to provide this type of service to our youth.  With the amount of negative influences they come in contact with on a daily basis why is it that we then point the blame at parents when things go wrong?No, no.... it truly takes a village to raise a child.  If there are 100 messages of negative influence that glorify sex, violence, drinking, drugs, ect.  How can we possibly think that parents can fight this issue alone.  I applaud Mrs. Hopper for her commitment to the youth throughout the year and this wonderful program. Check out Pretty Girlz Rock (Pretty Girlz Rock Event Planners) on facebook and become involved in your community.  One word, one action can change a life!!!

Shay Hopper- Organizer/ Founder pictured above (top right picture), fourth person from the left.
Example of a Vision Board created.
Volunteer staff stuffing goody bags the night before.
Me with my Girl of Grace T-Shirt.

Be well, be blessed, find your Momentum!!!!


Friday, February 20, 2015

Don't let someone else's imperfections become your insecurities....

Within any relationship there is bound to be some discord from time to time, but do you let another person's imperfections become your insecurities?

He/ She cheated on you:
Your mental record: "I must not be good enough, I'm fat, I don't look as good as he/she, I wasn't doing my part, no one will ever love me"  and on and on

Your boss yells at you in front of your colleagues:
Your mental record:  "I suck, I really should quite because I'm no good"

Your friend does not include you in a gathering:
Your mental record:  "I guess I'm not a good friend, I have been down and out lately, I'm too fat to hang out anyway"

Your children act out:
Your mental record:  "I'm worthless, I'm not a good parent"


Don't let someone else's imperfections become your insecurities.  Stop playing that recording in your mind, change the tune.  Many times we read way too much into things, over analyze.  Sometimes the other person forgot, is going through their own mess, or is simply a jerk.  Their character flaws do not have to feed into your self-esteem in a negative manner.

Think about it:  Identify what happened, state your feelings about it, and your expectations- then move on.  Again, your feelings about IT does not need to translate into negative feelings about YOU.  It doesn't start out as an easy process, but with anything that you practice...it becomes easier with time and practice, and since no one is perfect- you'll get a lot of practice.

Be well, be informed, find your momentum.............



Well its been a while.............

I looked at my blog and saw that it has been OVER A YEAR since I last posted....oh my!  So what have I been up to you?  I have been Living My Best Life.  I have been embarking on a journey to eat cleaner and become more active again.  I have transformed my part-time practice into a full-time private practice, expanded services,  relocated, and redesigned it.  I have been focused on family, friends, and business connections.

But now that I have done all of that, its time for me to get back to my blog and I must apologize for neglecting it.  If you have not done so, please visit my website at www.mbhconcepts.com and follow me on twitter @MBHConcepts.  I hope you have been Living Your Best Life as well and I look forward to sharing more information and opinions with you.

Be well.......
