Wednesday, February 20, 2013

But Its Only a Prescription

Prescription drug use is prevalent, on the rise, and killing our society.  Everyday I see individuals, brave one's at that, seeking help due to drug abuse.  Many of them are addicted to narcotics delivered by drug dealers, friends, stolen from their mothers' medicine cabinet, or prescribed to them by their very own doctor.  Drug addiction has a new face, the face of the stay at home mother, the neurotic aunt, and the kind co-worker dealing with arthritis.  Unfortunately we live in a world where it is better to "just get over it" and by doing so it mean to numb our feeling and numb all pain.  We must be productive and often times this leads to a world of disaster.

There has been great focus on the mental health of America due to the recent wake of tragedy that has occurred in such a short time frame.  Mental Health parity (as we Mental Health professionals know it) has been something that has been of utmost importance for years!  Not because of the tragedies of Newtown or Arizona and so many others (all very essential) but prior to these tragedies due to the basic necessity of care for Mental Health.  Why is it that my care "from the neck down" is not as important as the care I receive "from the neck up" (another mental health jargon).  It is so imperative that my mental health is in check just as much as my physical being if not more so, but yet Mental Health advocates have been fighting for this equality for a long time, years before this gun control issue resurfaced.  In addition the importance of behavioral health in general which includes addiction medicine/ chemical dependency/ drug abuse (whatever suits your view) is so neglected. 

I was watching Dr. Drew Tuesday night and it was stated that people need to understand addiction as a disease much like diabetes or cancer.  Although as a professional I have made those statements in the past, I now see why society does not by in to that analogy.  Addiction is more so like obesity, yes the person has caused the disease by inflicting the indulgence/abuse on themselves, but now that they have it, it is so difficult to control, there is a psychological relationship, a physical withdrawal, and other medical issues that have compounded the now what!  You look at me crazy because I weigh 600 pounds/ I'm addicted to heroin....either way, I need help, I cant figure it out alone, and I should not be shunned.  I think this paints a clearer picture.

Anywho.....I added information from the National Institute of Health to articulate the prevalence of drug abuse and some facts you may have not been familiar with (test your knowledge by clicking the link below).  If you or a loved one needs help due to an addiction to prescription or other drugs, don't be afraid to ask for help.  Its worth saving a life!!!!!

Common Prescriptions Abused:

Test your Drug IQ:

Well wishes...............

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