Earlier this year I left my job in leadership to turn my part-time practice into a full-time practice. I gave my notice amidst not feeling fulfilled and other things. I count each opportunity as a blessing, don't get me wrong- but sometimes its best to let go. I found out recently that the agency I worked for is closing a major service very soon. The news came quickly leaving staff little to no time to prepare for their next step. In addition, I hospital I worked for closed its doors after decades of serving the community. A source that was there at the time informed my source (yes this is third hand information, but credible) that they arrived to work and the doors were locked. Again, people without time to prepare but must survive.
It seems like there has been a pattern over the last 16 months of me leaving a place and what would have been my job and that of others being dramatically affected. Some of you may be thinking- well what have you been doing?!! Is it you?!!! My answer- no, it was God. In both situations there were many long-term factors that led to the finale. I was in leadership but kept telling God I wanted to lead my own organization. I was operating my business part-time and sometimes not at all. However, I found constant joy when in my own space.
Now I know that not everyone can be the business owner--otherwise who would do the day-to-day. You need people to work at the law office, walmart, car dealerships, schools, agencies, ect. That's not the point. The point is that if you want something, ask God for it and then when he tells you to go for it- don't be afraid to do just that. Many times we ask but we don't want to or are afraid of doing the work or taking the necessary steps to accomplish it. The same thing holds true if you don't believe in the miraculous power of God.
Want it, envision it, do it, attain it, maintain it, push it forward, repeat. You will get nowhere just wanting something and standing still in complacency or fear. Those are two of the biggest dream snatchers!!!
I am just amazed at where I could have been and where I am today had I not moved on from either situation. I am continuing to build my brand, business, network, and rebuild my bank account (dreams take money to become real)...but I have never been happier in my career. I am being a helper to mankind on my own terms. This year, I decided to follow my first mind and I have not been let down yet (this will be a later post as there are so many intricacies in the process of doing so). I am using this motto (which I also believe is faith driven) to make decisions in my life.
I pray for those that the doors are closing on because the caring individuals who serve and the clients need more and not less resources. I believe that a door closing simply turns you in the direction you need to go. As for me, I am able to see that I made steps in the right direction and it encourages me to work harder and remain true to my purpose.
Be well, be inspired, find your momentum-
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